It's just a number. Just a large number. And I just can't figure out how it happened. I know when it happened (last week). But, I keep waiting for these 60 years to make themselves known outside of the time warp that brought me here. They've made themselves know in the drooping neck, the white hair, and the overcoming. They've made themselves known in wrinkles, waist and some wisdom -- and thank God not in whiskers. I just can't grasp the passage of time. Where in the H-E DOUBLE TOOTHPICKS did the time go? I wish I could have banked what I wasted and now hit the ATM. There's not even a bank to rob. It is really happening. I am continuing to age.

So that I would have a memorable celebration -- and I did -- Ernie took me to Las Vegas for a week. (Nothing like being around scores of young women in skin-tight dresses and spike heals to take your mind off aging. I admit I took satisfaction in seeing them hobbling in pain as the night wore on) I had a week of me. I was the focus and I made the most of it. We went to four shows of my choosing. Two were amazing Cirque de Soleil events. I don't know what to call them except for an "event". They are a saturating experience of colors, gravity-defying sets, costumes, music, acrobatics, lights, sounds and fantasy. We went to a musical (if you know Ernie, you know that was a me choice) called Jersey Boys. Story of the Four Seasons told with music, humor and drama. I loved it (Ernie liked it). Big Girls Don't Cry. I wanted the t-shirt , but not $30 worth of want. Final night was a so-so comedian. It was a small venue and I was in the closest seat so had to laugh at everything. As far as the overcoming -- I still have a few issues, like co-dependency. Not only did I not want to hurt his feelings, but I wanted him to like me. Our family in Las Vegas (best ex-sister-in-law ever Dixie, beautiful nieces Veronica and Denise, nephew-in-law Paul, and good ol' Joe) took us to the beautiful Wynn hotel/casino for a birthday dinner. I didn't realize they were paying when I greedily ordered. At least I didn't get the $280 caviar appetizer. Actually, I wouldn't get it if it was $10 -- which actually was the cost of a side of french fries. Really - do you know how much a potato cost these days? That's quite a profit. Maybe it's hard to grow potatoes in the desert. I had the best martini EVER and might have had another but I figured there would be no

interest in dinner on my part after all those olives. The food was excellent, the company better, and I did have a night to remember. Also to remember: Ernie accompanied me to the outlet mall. Whoa. Like I said, it was all about me. Even the free stuff was good: the vintage car collection, the dancing fountains and art glass-flower ceiling at the Bellagio, almost free two-for-one Haagen Daz, dueling pianos, exploding volcano at the Mirage, Hoover Dam, conservatory at the Bellagio, and more. We were so busy going and seeing that we only had a chance to lose about $45 each. Actually, it gets boring quickly when you always lose so we left that to those who wanted to support the casinos.
We hiked in Red Rock Canyon. How can rocks be so colorful and textural? The area was scrub and cactus and treeless, but was beautiful even to a girl who loves the Sierras. I was reminded of my age when I did a belly flop in the ice near a waterfall. However, I was not discouraged and set my mind on climbing the rocks to get behind the waterfall. Success. It is called a waterfall by desert standards considering the area usually gets 4" of annual rainfall. It was water and it was falling, though don't look for it 90 % of the year.

And we had sunshine. Not get in the pool sunshine. But, better than Ohio sunshine. Having warmed up will help us endure tonight's coming snow.
So, I head into my 60th year with a satisfying start. Hoping I will embrace my age with grace and find the beauty like I did in the canyon. Hoping I will no longer look in the mirror and whine but will wonder at the hope of the years to come. Hoping I will rejoice in the wisdom I've acquired and expectantly wait for more as I broaden my experiences. Hoping I will appreciate my fully functioning body and joyfully work to make it the best it can be. Hoping I will ------- oh, what a bunch of crap. It sucks getting old.